What needs are they looking to meet?

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发表于 2024-4-24 00:05:39 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

What are their biggest emotional triggers? Just imagine sending hyper-personalized emails that make each potential customer feel like a company is speaking directly to them, offering content that solves their unique problems. With the AI’s capacity to process massive amounts of data, pharma brands can generate useful, engaging, and compelling content at scale, driving increased sales and boosting customer loyalty. To achieve this level of content personalization, a company will either need to invest in custom development or make use of platforms offered by third-party marketing services providers. If a pharma brand needs to have more control over features and data management, investing in web or mobile app development can be a smart move. In case a company is not ready to pour substantial resources into development, it can turn to a competent MarTech agency to produce highly personalized content, which would resonate with the target audience.

Targeting customers in their environment Pharmaceutical brands use AI to tailor their messaging to the customer’s current environment. To put it simply, businesses consider factors such as the customer’s time of day or location when creating their digital content. This strategy ensures that pharma companies reach their customers at times when they are receptive to their messages. It’s about delivering China WhatsApp Number List hyper-personalized customer experience, rather than just pushing out messages on LinkedIn at 12 p.m. when HCP are unlikely to read them anyway. Many pharma brands shifted their focus from face-to-face visits to the omnichannel approach to better target providers and patients. The beauty of this approach is that it puts a customer at the center of attention, not a service or a product.

People want to decide how they want to consume their content and pharma companies should recognize this need to succeed. AI-enabled hyper-personalization helps generate platform-centric content and reach customers based on the devices and platforms they use when receiving messages. AI coupled with the omnichannel approach, allows LS companies to see what their customers are doing in real-time and determine optimal digital channel mix, send-time, frequency, key performance indicators (KPIs), and similar. Omnichannel Furthermore, having real-time data lets these businesses quickly respond to marketing campaigns that are not working only after several days instead of months. So, they can timely pump their resources into the channels that are driving them towards business goals.


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