How to avoid being a victim of cyber attacks?: New IDB guide for smart cities

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发表于 2024-3-12 12:56:54 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

Many aspects of our daily lives, although we are not aware of it, are fully dependent on the correct functioning of the Internet. A cyber attack on a company, or a local public entity, a few years ago would have been something almost anecdotal. However, as digitalization grows, so does risk exposure and vulnerability to cyberattacks. On the occasion of International Safe Internet Day, we will dedicate this blog to present a guide prepared by the IDB to help cities in Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC) be prepared for malicious attacks that put the security and development of their cities at risk. your municipality. The IDB, as evident in its “ Vision 2025: Reinvest in the Americas ,” is committed to innovation and the digitalization of our region as a key piece for a sustainable and lasting recovery. Therefore, the security of our cities' digital platforms is a key element to achieve this objective. Cyber ​​attackers are there, taking advantage of any unprotected access We are increasingly dependent on the correct functioning of information platforms and technologies.

Basic public services such as security, water supply, energy, or mobility are also basic. Therefore, the greater the digitalization of our public services, the greater the risk of them becoming victims of cyber attacks , which are more sophisticated. smart city Credits: Markus Spiske Iar Cyber ​​attackers are there, taking WhatsApp Number List advantage of any unprotected access. Unfortunately, we are often overwhelmed by news of infrastructure hijackings: subway networks (New York, Sacramento), oil pipelines (USA), hospitals (London), emergency systems (Dallas), security cameras (Washington, District of Columbia), entire administrations sequestered and inoperative for weeks (Baltimore), parliaments (Australia) and a long etcetera. There are hundreds of thousands of daily cyber attacks.

Why do cybercriminals attack cities?: Vulnerability It is not at all easy to know the reasons why cybercriminals, cyberspies, cyberterrorists, cyberactivists attack us (political, criminal, economic or business or merely personal), nor to know who they are (private people, criminal groups, companies, other countries). . But why do they attack us?: because we are vulnerable. We are vulnerable due to software failures , often obsolete infrastructures, because we are not able to know our vulnerabilities, or because we do not understand the smart city ecosystem. We are vulnerable because it is not easy to govern and orchestrate the many public and private actors that act in the smart city. And many times, security fails because these many subjects either do not know, or do not dare to share the information. computer hacker We are also vulnerable because we do not have strategies, plans, risk management or incident management.


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