What is clear is that with nearly 18,000 different queries,
Our client has very precise knowledge of how, on the Internet, people search for their products and services. Much more precise than with the 571 suggestions from Google Keyword Planner. Google specifies that the overall demand around the theme is between 1 and 10 million searches per month on average. We know precisely that the demand is of the order of 2.8 million monthly searches on average. In this case, the information is not essential but when we have to make a choice between several segments or several niches, it is more effective to know what.
The size of each segment is rather than knowing that for all the segments there Email Data is has between 1 and 10 million searches per month. In this case, it is difficult to prioritize and make choices. The client has the list of 17,571 different requests. For each query, we report the average monthly search volume and some other information. At that moment, and at that moment only, it is up to our client to choose the keywords they want to target and on which to position their site. At this stage, he does it with full knowledge of the facts, by having a precise market study. 2) search for key words to put in the texts Our client now knows his online market.
We add an analysis of the strategy of some competitors. It then tells us what its targets are. We can therefore consider a “Blue Ocean” type strategy: targeting market segments for which there is high demand and moderate competition. We redo a data analysis of each of the chosen targets to try to identify the keywords that search engines expect to find in articles to consider them relevant and therefore to rank them in a good position. Here again, our data approach and the tools we use are very useful, even if there is a lot of manual work.