We did learn how to run controlled experiments

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发表于 2023-6-14 18:06:31 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

If I were to create a business it would have to be something around a problem I really care about solving and something that I’m uniquely suited to solve. I’m not interested in starting a me-too SaaS tool or a dropshipping business. Will What’s the one biggest challenge that you’ve faced in your career so far Alex Massive yet sporadic anxiety as to whether or not I’m working on the right thing or if I should be doing something else entirely or if I’m doing enough and keeping up with top performers. I mostly solve this with yoga meditation and many solid relationships and friendships.

Will What did you study in school Was this relevant to what you’re currently doing If not how did you gain the knowledge and skills required for your current position alex birkett hubspot conversionXL interview Alex I dabbled in a few majors before choosing “Strategic Communications ” which is basically marketing communications China Email List advertising PR etc. It’s housed in the Journalism and Mass Communications School at UW-Madison so I took a few journalism classes as well. It’s mostly relevant as I’m in a marketing role but my marketing role is a lot heavier on the data and statistics side of things now.

Many of the case studies we worked on in school were unrealistic things like allocating massive ad budgets for companies like Nike or doing public relations for Carnival Cruise lines. While interesting thought experiments they weren’t necessarily practical. Journalism classes were probably the most useful as they helped me develop a clear writing voice as opposed to the convoluted and annoying voice they encourage in English Lit classes – I’m not throwing rocks from afar I was an English major for a few semesters too . My favorite classes at school were “irrelevant” to what I do know – American history European social history Mathematics for Finance and of course Human Sexuality.  and statistics in many of my mass media classes though.


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