Algorithms are not infallible: the technology bias

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发表于 2023-4-13 11:39:13 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

Artificial intelligence: an ally of the human being As we can see, the problem comes when we entrust everything to a machine. It is true that technology helps us and facilitates tasks in many areas of our lives, but human activity will always be basic. In fact, in a world where more and more technological devices converge, the role that people play is fundamental. In this sense, there is a widespread contradiction in society and it is the belief that people are going to lose our jobs due to the arrival of robots built from artificial intelligence.

However, we do not care if an algorithm decides who we are going to meet this afternoon or if a person is eligible to receive a loan or not. dehumanized society Illustration: Niko Gomez If our jobs have survived the advent of machines and with it the creation of new jobs, why would the advent of artificial intelligence be mobile number list any different? We have to stop seeing machines as a potential enemy and see them as a collaborator, since they can take care of dangerous and monotonous work , "allowing us to focus on more creative processes," Nicolas Kourtellis, Research Scientist at Telefónica Research, told Think Big.

The clearest example can be seen with the use of firefighting drones , which not only provide early detection of forest fires, but can also save lives, guiding firefighters and security forces in their actions during the fire and after it. According to the Ministry of Public Works , Spain is in third place in this industry at a European level, behind France and Poland. Thus, the Spanish administration aims to create 11,000 jobs in 2035 . In the whole of Europe, according to a study by the European Commission, it foresees 150,000 jobs until the year 2050. Soft skills.


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