For example, your site's structure should have files

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发表于 2023-12-17 13:19:39 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

With urls and navigation levels that reflect this organization with folders and subfolders. Keeping url names concise is helpful and essential for search engine optimization. Search engineers have suggested that urls that contain more than two parameters run the risk of not being crawled by search engine bots. Basically, urls should be descriptive without being overly wordy. Visitors should be able to determine what the page is about by looking at the url. Key benefits of urls semantics properly written urls should be semantically meaningful.

Human readers and search engine bots should be able to quickly scan the url and easily find the topic of the url. Relevance like title tags, well-written urls should benefit from keyword layering that can be used to determine relevance and ranking. The advantage of a properly written url is that keywords included in the url are more likely to drive additional Phone Number List traffic. Link urls also have the additional benefit of serving as anchor text when used on your site, such as external links. Urls add relevance to web pages and play an important role in the structure and operation of search engines. Urls and anchor text serve similar functions to increase the popularity of related sites from a marketing and advertising perspective.

Users are more interested in urls that contain relevant keywords that reflect your website content and attract users in search engine optimization (serp) listings. Words in a url affect the relevance of related pages because phrases or keywords are compared and analyzed with the site's content to look for overlapping context. Many factors in seo have a direct impact on the final ranking results. Urls do not have an immediate effect on a website's popularity and ranking. Urls are important to your site because of their impact on user experience, relevance, and social media marketing. When a page is shared, it builds momentum, which ultimately affects the trustworthiness and trustworthiness of the site.


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