Customer Journeys Are Longer Than Ever Here’s What Brands Should Know

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发表于 2023-11-27 13:22:38 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

Consumer journeys are longer and more complex than ever. A huge portion of consumers who would have otherwise shopped in-store have made the switch over to digital channels and consumers who loved online shopping, to begin with, are even more invested now. This change in consumer behavior means that the survival of many brands relies heavily on making sure that digital experiences are not only delightful but also extremely relevant.

Not only are consumers shopping more online, but consumer mindsets have changed as well.Recent data shows that 50 percent of consumers have had a shift in their values due to the pandemic. Accenture, Changing Consumer Motivations & Expectations People are now looking inward and placing more meaning on their Country Email List relationships and priorities. This change has led to a surge of consumers who stand more firm in their values and will go to extensive lengths to make aligned purchasing decisions. This includes ditching brands that don’t align with their values and paying more money for brands that do.

The complexity of the consumer journey can be quite intimidating to brands making a shift in their marketing strategy. The average online journey can now range from 20 to 500 touchpoints.This is due to the large variety of digital channels consumers come in contact with, which has led to a more competitive market for nearly every industry.

However, although the huge increase in consumer touchpoints can seem impossible to address at first, it can actually be a beneficial shift for many brands. The reason for this is that brands now have more opportunities to successfully build meaningful relationships with potential and existing customers. There are more opportunities than ever before to stand out from the competition and gain an extremely loyal customer base.


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