The general statistics also define email marketing
In this way, the next moves of customers are predicted and behaviors studied to set up future strategies both to retain customers and to attract new ones. Local search and search intent : Google's algorithms are getting smarter. It is now possible to consider aspects such as the geolocation of the search (local search) and the reason behind the search itself (search intent). The first element is very important to consider for those who work well in the area: don't forget to enter and enhance the information regarding the position. Local search optimization uses Google Maps and your data to optimize positioning in the SERP and to intercept a truly interested audience.
Try to provide as much data as possible Buy Bulk SMS Service to Google My Business listings. Marketing-trends-B2B-2022-CHART1 5. Right allocation of marketing investments The digital world is very rich in opportunities and allows you to work well even with smaller investments and budgets. Online advertising has much lower costs than traditional media and also allows for greater profiling in the public. This makes it easier to invest in some actions, such as the care of websites to make them more personalized and intuitive. In fact, a customer arriving on the website decides in 15 seconds whether to buy or not.
For this reason, the navigation path must first of all be fast and must then offer all the fundamental information immediately. To understand how best to allocate resources, you must first ask yourself a fundamental question: where does the user come from? Smart Insights states that 65% of website traffic is generated by already known contacts and by word of mouth (therefore by good advertising from satisfied customers). SEO optimization, social media, events, inbound and content marketing as very important. These are the main channels to focus on. But that 65% is underlining a factor that we often tend to forget: the importance of customer loyalty.