It is possible to stay there on the scene, spread one's mission , exhibit one's sales catalogues, one's skills, highlight one's creativity and attract people right , that is, that market segment to which one's business, one's creation, one's sale is intended. An activity which therefore does not consist in sending messages of conviction, promotions, or forms of door-to-door advertising, so to speak, face to face, or rather we could say "chat by chat". But in strengthening one's entrepreneurial essence , a kind of "acting without acting" one would say using a phrase linked to oriental doctrines, or rather not carrying out actions "towards the outside world.
A real change of "direction" we could say Buy Bulk SMS Service where all the work is directed inwards, self-realization, self-perfection , which in some ways also goes beyond the logic of competition. And this is connected to another dynamic, according to which the intuition, the creation, the production of a good, a service, a product, an object, are something that belongs exclusively to the person to whom it was "given" to be able to achieve this thanks to the "divine spark" which is within us, and which reaches within us through the creative instant. As a result there is no competition to be had.
The product is yours! It's already yours! Just as "it's already yours" from the buyer's side, who is attracted by exactly that product, which is designed just for him, just as all that market niche is designed for him. Back to index Self-centeredness and communication Acting better and better by creating, perfecting, communicating, but keeping one's "centre" and moving less and less away from it. Indeed , it is from this "centre" that the magnetic force of the company, of its brand 5 , radiates, which itself acts as a catalyst for all those for whom your product is "already" intended, and who if it is not today or tomorrow they will come to you. as well as continuous commitment and creative activity in the light of the characteristics listed above.