However, the iPhone is more familiar and anticipated by consumers than Oppo

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发表于 2023-4-12 18:16:01 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

In fact, the quality of the machine and the camera is not much different. There are many benefits that you can get when your brand equity is high. What are the benefits of brand equity for business? Come on, let's see the next discussion. Brand Equity Benefits The following are the benefits of brand equity: 1. Products Able to Win Competition High brand equity makes a product superior in the midst of competition.

Even though similar products appear, the product brand is still number one in the minds of consumers. For example, Aqua is the first choice when buying bottled drinking water. In fact, there are many other mineral water Phone Number List brands on the market. The reason is that consumers already have confidence in the quality of Aqua mineral water. 2. Can Issue Premium Prices Brand equity is the main key to increase product prices easily.

Because high brand equity makes consumers willing to pay dearly for a product. For example, the Nike shoe brand, which has high quality and luxurious designs. In addition to getting quality, consumers can also feel prestige when using it. So, they are willing to pay dearly for the latest edition of Nike shoes. Because they believe Nike brand shoes, regardless of the shape and edition, have high quality and prestige. 3. Increase Customer Loyalty Positive brand equity can increase customer loyalty. Because the positive experiences and perceptions of consumers with your product will create repeat purchases.


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