Autocorrect Autocorrect allows the device to predict the words the user will ...
That is why this technique is often used to analyze sentiment. Whether it's in the review column, comment column, or other feedback containers . Also read: What is a Dataset? The following definition, examples, and types! 5 Examples of Natural Language Processing in Everyday Life Even though NLP sounds very complex, this technology is actually very close to our daily activities, you know. Don't believe? Here are some examples of features and tools supported by NLP technologies: 1.
For example, if you accidentally write "no", this feature will automatically correct it to "no". So, where does autocorrect know which words need to be corrected? The answer is of course NLP . Because, this feature Phone Number List can learn the words whose writing is right and wrong. So, when autocorrect finds a word that is outside the "dictionary", the word will be corrected immediately. 2.
Filter Email Have you ever wondered how Gmail can distinguish between messages that must go to the Inbox, Promotion box, Social, and also Spam? This is again due to support for Natural Language Processing. So, NLP analyzes the entire content of the message, from the title to the content. After that, then each message is given a tag according to its contents. For example, if it detects a message from Facebook or Instagram, it will most likely be added to the Social box .