They always exhibit a limited number

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发表于 2022-10-17 19:14:53 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

The quartets I made are somewhat arbitrary but they have some connection. Lets say when we were editing them in Photoshop we were studying their complementarity. In this case we organized some sets. Do you title your photos No. This is also something I dont care about. Even in landscapes Im not interested in showing anything specific. Lets say a wellknown gentleman came and said to me Im hurt because you havent photographed Mani. I have not set out to list all of Greece. I dont care if that particular tree belongs to a region. A joke about the unlimited number of copies is that many did not realize that the photos were for sale because the familiar red bullets were not present.

When I was asked by the gallery what we are going to do with the bulls I was at a loss. Because if you put a stamp many people assume that the specific photo has already been sold and that there is no other copy  according to the painting standard. Another unusual thing about my exhibition is the large gallerychallenging number of photo background removing photographs. of works. Here we changed the terms. Has the Photographic Circle come full circle The Circle is changing. I have explained this many times. As we change too. For me the Circle had and has a good and a bad my person. I mean. I guess if it wasnt for me it either wouldnt have been founded or it wouldnt have survived.

But of course when I am there it is not easy to be bypassed. The headquarters of the Photographic Circle remains at Tsakalov  in a smaller space than the original one. The Thursday seminars and meetings have been held for some years now in the Benaki Museum auditoriums respectively in Koumparis and in Piraeus. Now and you are the first to know this the great library of the Circle is being donated to the Benaki Museum. The library will be accessible to the whole world and will be temporarily housed in the Photographic Archive of the Benaki Museum until a more comfortable area of ​​the Museum can be found to host it. A photo library is not such a simple thing. Its a very accurate story. In the last three years financial problems have forced me to stop acquiring new titles.


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