Biological need but a spiritual

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发表于 2022-10-15 13:42:50 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

本帖最后由 mostakimseo12 于 2022-10-15 13:51 编辑

First of all the charming concept of talent that special gift that someone is privileged to possess and which we think allows them to easily produce a high artistic work. The talent is there. But once we admit it we have to ignore it. Because if we are interested in the work and its high quality we don't need to wonder whether or not its creation hides a talented creator. The quality of the result is enough for us. If again we are interested in the artist and his struggle then no one no one ever knows neither the teacher nor the creator himself if the talent exists in the particular person what exactly it consists of if it is a motive.

As serious as the intelligence and devotion if the e-commerce photo editing combination of the last two virtues ensures a more important artistic work than the existence of talent There are countless bad creations by people with talent and so many good ones by others who lacked it. After all the course of an artist is the constant search for his limits consequently the pursuit of his talent. The existence of the latter makes this hunt more difficult and stressful since it is more often in danger of escaping from the art. As for the need that pushes the individual to artistic creation we need to notice that it is not a one. The person must know what exists the work and the creation in order to desire it.


However in order to know it the possession of the artistic language is also required. And that's where education comes in. An education that perhaps taught us a lot but which completely ignored the artistic fact. Leaving there in violation of democratic principles the individuals completely alone and helpless before a great and inexplicable event of the spirit's adventure. Caveman discovered language fire and art by painting in dark caves. Education today teaches language and science but stops before the irrational man who smeared the caves. But we need him. Whether we have talent or not. It is enough to meet him once.


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