Joaçaba reduces the time taken to complete protests from days to minutes

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发表于 2023-10-17 14:42:49 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

Since abandoning the manual process and starting to carry out protests digitally , the Joaçaba/SC City Attorney's Office has gained efficiency, agility and security. Routines that previously took days are now completed in a few minutes . This result was achieved after the Municipality started using Betha's Procuraria Cloud solution , which integrates all stages of the protest in an online environment.

“Before Betha Procuraria, this whole process took much longer. Because we had to get the printed CDAs, look in the system to see if it was paid or outstanding, enter the taxpayer's data, search... In this first step alone, it took us an average of five minutes for each taxpayer. Today, with the system, it takes us a few seconds”, reports the administrative technician at the Joaçaba Prosecutor's Office, André Luiz Dri .

“Then we still had to print the documents, go to america phone number list  the forum and register everything. And, finally, the forum distributed it to the registry office. This whole routine used to take days, even a week. Now it’s minutes,” she adds.

End of the paper process generates savings and organization
One of the features that Procuraria Cloud offers is the editing of documents, such as petitions and certificates, within the system itself . Once created, the files can be sent directly to the courts and protest offices. The 100% digital process eliminates the need to use paper , resulting in savings, sustainability, organization and security for municipal employees.

“Our paper consumption has greatly reduced. And for the organization of the sector, it has become much better, because now, when we have to do a search, we no longer need to look for a paper document, we can just search directly in the system and we will find the information. Today I no longer need to print anything on paper”, says Dri.

Expected revenue growth
Optimizing routines using technology also brings important financial results for municipal administration . As the process is more agile, it was possible to complete a greater number of protests and, consequently, revenue also grew.

“In March 2021 we started protesting through the system and now we have completed this stage, as we are going to start the Tax Execution process. But in these almost six months we managed to surpass the protested amount of R$600,000, which is a very interesting number for us. And the expectation is that in the coming years this result will be even better”, projects the Joaçaba City Hall employee.

Digital Government is synonymous with efficient management
The digitalization of protest and tax enforcement routines brought more agility, savings and organization to Joaçaba City Hall. As is the case in the Santa Catarina city attorney's office, all sectors of a public body also become more efficient when they adopt technology solutions that resolve routine administration activities .

The digital transformation of public management is already a reality and is present from the simplest to the most complex operations. Digital services for citizens, such as opening online protocols , make life easier for the population, as they no longer need to go to city hall to make a request.

Technology is also a great ally in bringing more efficiency to the internal activities of public servants . Processes such as exchanging information, creating and editing files and signing documents can be carried out 100% in a virtual environment. Digitizing these routines eliminates the need to use paper, organizes information in an accessible place from any device connected to the internet and reduces the time spent carrying out daily tasks.


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