Confirm that you are not a robot by entering a phone number: +7 912 345-67-89 Download selection for free I agree to the processing of personal data Each video has its own interesting cover, which will look organically with the visual of the entire account. In addition, actual music, photos, images and . Reels do not disappear after 24 hours, unlike Stories, and they are seen not only by your followers, but also by other Instagram users, which increases your reach and adds 50% of new subscriptions. The policy of Instagram is such that the priority for promotion will be.
Those accounts that use all the available functions of the service - these are stories, live broadcasts, long IGTV videos, news feeds and rails. If you do not use such "chips" in promoting Buy Cell Phone Number List your account, then the page rank will drop. Shorter videos have more exposure, and therefore more views and reactions. 11 rules for promoting reels on Instagram As with many other services, there are also certain rules for promoting reels on Instagram. At the moment, the videos receive a certain number of views and free coverage, and then, based on this data, the response of the audience can be traced, as is the case with TikTok.
In the future flying into the rivers as they say now, will be more and more difficult, so the video should be uploaded now. If your content has previously appeared in the recommendations section (magnifying glass icon), then you can understand how this happened and use the same algorithm to promote reels on Instagram. When promoting rils, remember that Instagram is important: Audience activity – which videos are shared more often, which ones are commented, reposted and liked. Interaction with the author of the video and content in general - users show those videos that are interesting to users.