12 Powerful Email Marketing Tips

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发表于 2023-5-6 01:05:20 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

The selected occupations capture very different levels of the occupational structure, namely very low or low paid positions (an unskilled factory worker and a supermarket cashier), medium-high paid positions (a university professor) and positions in the top of the salary hierarchy (a deputy and a manager of a large national company). As a whole, both questions allow us to know how the respondents perceive the current salaries and the fair salaries in those occupations. Graphs 2 and 3 illustrate the perceptions of the elite regarding these questions.

In the first case, those surveyed recognize important differences Singapore Phone Number List in the salaries that the occupations would receive, particularly between those with low remuneration and the rest. In turn, within the three occupations with the highest salary, significant distances can be seen, and all the elites perceive that the manager of a large company can earn between 75% and almost 300% more than a deputy. All these figures, however, have transformations when looking at the question that measures the salary they shouldobtain these occupations: while those surveyed from the three elites state that a supermarket cashier, an unskilled.

Worker and a university professor should have salaries higher than what they estimate they currently receive, at the same time they state that the salaries of deputies and managers of large companies should decrease. Among these results, it is surprising that the reduction that the economic elite would expect from a manager's salary is considerably less than what the other elites expect for this group. This is important if we take into consideration that, in real terms, these salaries represent an abysmal difference with what most Chileans obtain, as shown by the average and median salary figures presented above.


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