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发表于 2023-5-4 01:41:05 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

Let us not forget that the result is always in the hands of God. The same God who orders to go to the doctor is the God who heals. It is necessary to use the greatest intelligence to investigate science, analyze all the data and propose the best solutions; but surely no less energy must be dedicated to imploring God to assist us with his mercy and put an end to this pandemic, since salvation is in His hands6. It is interesting to note that, even in a claiming tone, the link between religious communities and the State is recognized in terms of collaboration: “the support of religious communities is essential so that the State can successfully apply the measures to face the emergency.

In Argentina, religious institutions did not spread Belgium Phone Number List apocalyptic, conspiratorial and utopian speeches about the situation that affected the world. The causes of the disease, the management of the emergency and the diagnosis of social problems were adjusted to the public positions that the State and the epidemiologists held. The religious leaders in Argentina assumed the scientific and political arguments, made them their own and acted accordingly. And they communicated with the State based on common assumptions, doing what religious institutions know how to do so well: deploy welfare work in disadvantaged nei***orhoods.

Contain people who suffer and negotiate with political powers in the territories. Conceptions of health in religious groups, or believe in multiple ways Religious institutions hold dialoguing positions with public powers, offering resources and claiming spaces for action: this characteristic of the relationship between the State and the Catholic Church has been spreading since the second half of the 20th centuryto other churches and other religious denominations. Religions accept the terrain proposed by the State, organized around scientific-technological knowledge.


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