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How you link to other pages on your website in your blog post On-page SEO: How you organize and write your blog post User experience, both in terms of high-quality content and reading experience We are going to talk about all of these in the sections below. I’ll even give you an example of how I would find a keyword and write an article on it that ranks. 8 steps to writing an SEO-friendly blog post Here’s how to write SEO optimized blog posts step-by-step: Doing proper keyword research Understanding search intent Outlining your blog post for SEO.

Success Writing your blog post Getting the tech specs right Interlinking Publishing and submitting to Google Getting backlinks Okay, let’s dive deeper into each one. 1. Doing proper keyword research The first step to writing any SEO optimized blog post is to do proper keyword research. There are tons of guides USA Phone Number List on how to do keyword research out there. Here is one that is really good to watch: But, I’m going to try to break it down as simply as possible. This will be the longest section of this guide because I’ve found that a proper SEO strategy through keyword research is the most important step to get right. If you can’t find search queries your site has a chance of ranking for, it’s going to be an uphill battle.


You’ll need a keyword research tool to do this part. My favorite tool to use is Ahrefs. It will run you about $100 a month for their cheapest plan. If you want something cheaper you can also use Keysearch, which doesn’t give you as much flexibility as Ahrefs does but it’s a fraction of the price. What you need to know about keyword research is that Google likes to rank authoritative websites. An authoritative website can be described by what it’s domain authority/rating is a score from 0-100, if the website talks about variations of the topic you’re trying to rank for, how informative the article is no high bounce rates with pogo sticking, and how many backlinks are pointing to the article.


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