Verified accounts can be a convincing factor for purchases on social networks
Some questions arise: which are the social networks most used by Brazilians? Is there a difference in usage based on age group? How many times a day do people check their social media? Some of these answers are available in the new of social networks in Brazil. The online survey interviewed 1024 regular users of digital interaction platforms, aged between 18 and 75, who make at least one online purchase every six months. the end of the article. What is the most popular social network in Brazil? Unsurprisingly, the Capterra study shows that the most used platform in Brazil is WhatsApp, as 98% of respondents declared themselves to be users of the application.The number of Brazilian respondents who use the messaging application is ahead of other countries where conducted the same survey.
In Spain (93%) and Mexico (95%), although lower than the Brazilian percentage, WhatsApp also has a strong presence; on the other hand, in the United Kingdom and France this number drops to 69% and 51%, respectively. In Brazil, WhatsApp is also used as a customer Phone Number List support channel. In fact, a recent Capterra survey on customer service (SAC) showed that for 48% of respondents, live chat, which can be enabled via WhatsApp, would be the first service method through which they would seek assistance . When investigating the use of social networks, what does seem surprising is the number of respondents who declared themselves to be Telegram users in Brazil, showing that WhatsApp is not the only messaging application with a strong presence in the national territory.

Around here, 57% reported that they are Telegram users. Messaging apps are one of the most used social networks in Brazil Based on the responses of the interviewees, as you can see in the graph above, the Capterra study also indicated that there are more people using Telegram in Brazil than in other parts of the world. How to use messaging networks in your strategy – Customer service : messaging applications can serve as a channel for customers to ask questions about a product or service. It is possible to perform the service with an agent in real time or through automation, through a chatbot . – Sales channel: in WhatsApp, specifically, it is possible to create a product catalog in the application's business account. Thus, every time a customer contacts you through this channel, they will have easy access to the options menu.