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Available financial statistics for 2016 show that America's GDP is $18.5 billion. This indicator is the best in the world, so with full confidence we can say that the American economy is the strongest and most stable in the whole world. So why does the US have such a large foreign debt?
What is known about the American public debt
How much is the US foreign debt today? Every day the to the mobile number list for American public debt is growing at an alarming rate. Every day, the amount of debt is growing by several tens of millions of dollars, and at the moment it exceeds 21 trillion dollars, which is an absolute “anti-record” among all countries.
The external debt of the United
States for 2018 amounted to an amount exceeding the country's total GDP, which negatively affected the country's credit rating. It was downgraded due to the ongoing growth of debt and is currently characterized as "negative".
With the development of this problem, special counters began to appear on various sites that display the amount of public debt in real time. On the streets of New York there are special signs-counters that display information about debt for all residents of the city.
The main creditors of America, to which the states have formed a debt:
To whom does America owe
Despite the fact that most of the debt is domestic, that is, creditors live in the country, there are many foreign countries to which the states have the greatest debt.