The searches that we are interested in appearing
This can be carried out through surveys or interviews, looking at socio-demographic data and other interests that are relevant to the company. This will help us redirect the SEO strategy and be able to prioritize some aspects over others. Knowing who we are addressing will also allow us to know what the structure of the website should be like. There are different ways and even free templates to generate what is known as buyer personas.
Keyword search SEO Keyword Search Keyword Research is essential in an SEO strategy, in order to know which keywords are the most recommended to position our website. It is advisable to organize the different keywords based on the services we offer or the categories of our products. To do a keyword search Brazil Mobile Number List you can use different tools depending on what we want to analyze. If we need to extract search volumes we can use Google Keyword Planner as it allows us to segment by period or even country, to know the search volume for a keyword. You can also use Google's own search engine and its autocomplete function, which helps us see which are the most searched terms that complete the keyword we are looking for.
It also has coKIn a section of related searches or even the Google Trends tool, to know the trends in Google searches. Once we know which keywords interest us most for the positioning of our website, we must make sure that we use them both in texts and in nd even in categories and tags. To promote internal linking, keywords or some of their variations can be inserted with their respective link in different blog articles or between different landing pages. Competitor analysis SEO competition analysis After having established the target audience and having done the keyword search, we must define the competition. This can be done in many ways, but the most recommended for an SEO strategy is to observe which companies are best positioned in the searches that we are interested in appearing in. There are also tools to analyze competitor keywords.