Audio tweets: this is how Twitter's new “whatsappera” function works

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发表于 2024-2-19 13:12:06 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

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Audio tweets: this is how Twitter's new “whatsappera” function works
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Twitter is undergoing a fundamental change in its platform with the aim of creating “more human experiences” and for its users to share news, stories or experiences with new perspectives and in a faster and more agile way through new audio tweets.

Twitter wants to offer more than 280 characters to express your thoughts: audio tweets arrive
As the name implies, audio tweets allow users to record a snippet of audio and attach it to their tweets in the same way that they can now embed images or videos.

[Tweet “Now you can also record and send audio messages through #Twitter. Audio tweets are in beta phase”]

This new feature will be available first for iOS operating system users star Email Data ting today, but only for a “limited group of people” according to Twitter's official statement.

You can Tweet a Tweet. But now you can Tweet your voice!

Rolling out today on iOS, you can now record and Tweet with audio.

“ Sometimes 280 characters aren't enough and some conversational nuances get lost in translation. So starting today, we're testing a new feature that will add a more human touch to the way we use Twitter: your own voice ,” wrote Maya Patterson and Rémy Bourgoin in a post on their official blog .

Conversation threads can also be created on Twitter
If you have access to this new audio tweeting feature, you will be able to see a sound wave icon next to the camera icon when composing a tweet. When you click on it, a red recording button will appear at the bottom of the screen, and by pressing it you can start recording your voice message.

Image: Twitter

“Audio tweets capture up to 140 seconds of audio . Do you have more to say? You can continue talking and once the time limit for a voice tweet is reached, a new one will automatically start creating audio threads ,” Twitter said in its statement.

These audio tweets can only be added to original tweets in your timeline, that is, you will not be able to reply to messages or in replies or retweets as an additional comment.

Also, you should keep in mind that whatever your profile photo is, when recording an audio clip on Twitter, that image will always be attached to the voice file : “your current profile photo will be added as a static image in your attachment audio, and will not update when you update your profile photo.”

To play any audio tweet, just touch the card and let the audio or audio threads play automatically. However, basic playback controls will appear at the bottom so that users can pause, stop or replay the audio, in addition to allowing them to continue browsing the app while the recording continues playing.

New challenges to moderate the social network known for its messages of hate and intolerance

This is not the first time that Twitter has tested voice messages, as it launched a similar feature in Periscope direct messages some time ago. Now, the difference is that back then the audio was played in real time, while today's audio tweets are more similar to WhatsApp voice messages.

Audio tweets could pose new challenges in moderating hate messages on the social network, but it's certainly an interesting addition on the social network that's known for not rushing into adopting new tools.


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