Always answer them and use language
Don't leave your customers' questions unanswered. in tune with your brand identity. 4- Offer safe and reliable payment methods – payment systems usually already include data protection features. 5- Use cybersecurity tools to ensure safe storage of your customers' data; Policy management software is also an option to help issues organize terms and conditions of sales.And what would make these people change their minds? For respondents who have never purchased but are interested in making a purchase via social media, 68% said they would do so under the condition that the platform uses a secure payment method. Check out three other Factors listed by survey participants.
Factors that would convince people to buy through social networks never buy and are not interested in buying through this channel, 46% said that one item that use could be make positionang make them of verified seller accounts. It is worth emphasizing that, of those who have never purchased via social Phone Number List media and are not interested in doing so,2 out of 10 (26%) stated that none of the options presented by Capterra would change their mind –apart from the options listed in the chart, “discounts and promotions available only on social networks”, “if it were easier/intuitive” and “other factors” were also suggested. Research highlights on the use of social networks for online shopping In this survey, we present insights that can guide companies and brands in their work through social commerce.
The main points raised were: Just over half of respondents who have already purchased via social networks said they were influenced by paid advertisements, showing that these pieces may not be seen as intrusive. 3 out of 10 respondents who have already purchased via social networks said they spend between BRL 100.01 and BRL 250.00 per month on average on these platforms.Fashion items were the main product category purchased by respondents via social networks, pointing to potential in social commerce for companies in this segment. Among those who have purchased via social networks, Instagram leads as the main platform used by surveys those parts purchased products pic channels. Part of Brazilians' social life seems to take place online. A study shared by the Estado de Minas newspaper showed that Brazil is the third country in the world that uses social networks the most , with Brazilians spending almost four hours a day connected to these platforms.