What can an agent do in Zendesk? 3 key functions

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发表于 2023-4-13 13:48:11 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

本帖最后由 ripa1234 于 2023-4-13 13:52 编辑

Forbes reports that 337% of Generation Z view shopping as a form of entertainment and this generation finds their entertainment on social media apps. According to Zendesk's CX Trends 2023 report , 14% of customers buy products while watching live streaming events from their favorite content creators on social media. Retail immersion, via Instagram and TikTok, has only increased since the start of the pandemic and shows no signs of slowing down. Mobile applications represent 43% of purchases in commercial channels, while 20% are made in stores on social networks. But these omnichannel customers, whether they're Gen Z tweens or retired boomers, expect a high level of customer service.
Soppers expect the same level of service in store and online; 69% of shoppers would like it to be as easy to find items in stores as they are online; 64% of shoppers expect the same level of personalization in store and online; 56% of shoppers see something in the store and buy it online; Meet buyers where Phone Number List they are The 'anytime, anywhere' mentality continually raises expectations for a seamless experience across all channels. And retailers who effectively personalize the shopping experience will be rewarded: 77% of retail leaders say personalization increases customer retention, according to Zendesk's CX Trends 2023 report. But for many retailers, the experience they offer their customers online is completely different from what happens in the store.

Building a consistent customer journey across every touch point, whether digital or physical, is key to creating a satisfying phygital experience in this newly blurred retail world. “ It's all about giving customers choices: how they want to interact with your brand and shop, how they want their products delivered, and what services they want to enjoy in-store,” according to Forbes. “That choice is what keeps customers coming back and allows them to decide the right journey to meet their needs at that moment.” Liberty London purple bag Constant conversations on all channels Liberty London, a British luxury retailer, has been in business for almost 150 years. But with almost half of its sales originating online, its customer service team realized it desperately needed to modernize its CX operation.


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